We got our bags together and checked them to the airline right at the hotel. It's a fairly convenient process and it's nice not to have all your bags on the way over to the airport. After this, we checked out of the room. We didn't have to be back to catch the bus until 1:30, so we went back over to enjoy Magic Kingdom for the rest of the morning.
A shot of the castle from the side. It's a random view that doesn't have any other structures in the background. It kind of makes the castle seem alone in the woods...
Owen's last ride on the boat shuttle. Land Ho!!!
Owen crashed on the bus on the way over to the airport.

And here's our little man boarding the plane.

We had a nice uneventful flight back to Baltimore, landing around 7:30. After stopping at Great Grandma's and Aunt Pat's to pick up Bailey, we arrived home around 10:30. Sunday morning after less than 24 hours, Owen asked when we could go back to Mickey's house....
And here's our little man boarding the plane.
We had a nice uneventful flight back to Baltimore, landing around 7:30. After stopping at Great Grandma's and Aunt Pat's to pick up Bailey, we arrived home around 10:30. Sunday morning after less than 24 hours, Owen asked when we could go back to Mickey's house....